In what might be called an evolutionary process, here is the font Heidelberg 89. It is what I consider to be a refinement to MacHumaine, though it is conceivable others may prefer the previous version.
It is my feeling that Heidelberg is more truly a calligraphic style font than MacHumaine, with its more severe strokes and sharper angles. I have used it for certificates commercially and have had good comments only. I know there is a school of thought which believbes it is improper to create a font that simulates actual pen or quill hand writing. For those who believe that, I offer you ten times your money back!
Yes, Heidelberg 89 is now public domain. It was never anything else, but I had visions of marketing it at one time. I have decided that it is, rather, a logical extension of the story of Philo, Fancy Chancery, Black Chancery, etc. and should not be for sale. So, enjoy.
The Fontographer file is enclosed for those who have Fontographer and wish to alter the font in any way. I would request that you change the name if you do alter it. Any comments are welcome to: